How Many Students In Your Classroom Are Impacted By Adverse Childhood Experiences?
This chart shows the average number of ACEs in a typical classroom in Washington State public schools. Research shows most classrooms across the country are similar in the number of students experiencing ACEs.
Studies show that nearly 4 out of 5 students have had at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs)
These adverse experiences, anything from living with someone with mental health issues or addictions to any form of abuse, cause toxic stress which can alter a child's brain and their ability to think, learn, and show self-control. Many times the family is the cause of the ACEs and a students' next closest protective relationship is usually the school...And most importantly the teacher.
You, as their teacher, have the opportunity to teach them the resiliency they need to be successful in school and life; while at the same time reducing the incidents of disruptions in the classroom. With ACEs education and proven tools to lessen the impacts of the Adverse Childhood Experiences, your students can thrive and your time in the classroom will become less stressful and more rewarding.